August 2019

Found 2 blog entries for August 2019.

ow Residential Building Is Changing Due to TechnologyThe stakes of every industry have been rising in the past few decades as new technologies debut on the market. And while new residential construction has moved at a turtle pace compared to other trades, that doesn't mean it hasn't seen its fair share of gadgets and techniques. Homeowners in Canada who follow these advancements will not only have a better idea of how home buying is being affected today, but they may also be able to predict the market better both now and in the future.

Shorter Scouting Sessions

Land may have once been plentiful in this country. The wide-open spaces and lack of regulation made it easy for developers to choose and build upon sites. Today, developers have to devote weeks to find the right place to build homes. Some

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Pest Control Information for HomeownersPest infestation can cause serious problems for homeowners. Some pests can eat through wood and cause structural damage, while other pests can make the environment in the home unhealthy for humans. If a pest infestation goes on for long enough, the value of the home could go down and you might have trouble selling your home.

If you're a homeowner, there are many things you can do to prevent pest infestation. Here's what you need to know.

Know the Signs of Infestation

Pest infestation can take many forms. Recognizing the different signs of a pest infestation can help homeowners decide where to focus their pest prevention efforts. Once they know what kind of pests are in their home, they can take measures to get them out and keep them from

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