January 2016

Found 3 blog entries for January 2016.

This Thursday night, the Quebec-based musical group Folklofolie will be performing at Ecole Edwards Elementary School at Jensen Drive in Airdrie.  It’s a must-see for not only French speakers in Airdrie but for parents of French immersion students in the community.

Folklofolie is a duo hailing from Gatineau, who promise an evening of fun, folk music and unforgettable family experience.  This concert is being organized by the Airdrie chapter of the Canadian Parents for French in conjunction with Ecole Edwards as part of the school’s French culture week.

President of the Airdrie CPF chapter says that the group brings in some kind of French arts group at least once a year.  Erin Quiring explains that learning French at school is wonderful, but to have

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Good things to know about your hot water tank 

Whoever invented the hot water tank was a genius.  Imagine the hours our great, great grandmothers spent trying to heat kettles of water on the wood stove just to have a bath or wash clothes or dishes.  And imagine the bliss of just opening a tap to have an almost endless stream of luxurious hot water.

Perhaps we take hot water for granted, because we don’t appreciate it truly until something goes wrong with the magical appliance that produces it.  Not only is the hot water gone, but often there is a complete mess to deal with if the tank has blown.

Just like a car, your hot water tank needs regular maintenance so that it performs well and longer.

Every tank has an expiry date

With every tank

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With more than 80 km of pathways and canals winding through the city, Airdrie is a great place in which to embrace winter and to be active outdoors.

It’s important to live in winter, and not just through it.

Just think – so many people in the world have never seen snow. They’ve never made a snowman with friends, never been in a pair of ice skates, never slid down a hill.  We are blessed to live in this part of the world where we can enjoy all four seasons.

In Airdrie, it’s easy to find an outdoor rink, to go cross country skiing through the park or toboggan down a hill.  The highway west to the mountains for downhill skiing is just 10 minutes south of Airdrie.

Be Cold-Weather Wise

Those of us who have grown up on the prairies are well

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