May 2017

Found 1 blog entry for May 2017.

A local group is encouraging residents of Airdrie to step forward and ignite the lagging Block Parent initiative in the city.

Calling itself Block Parent Airdrie, the group is trying hard to activate the community into keeping Airdrie safe for youngers as well as preventing crime

The group’s president Lindsey Coyle, told the Airdrie Echo weekly paper that many parents, now in the 30s and into their 40s, grew up with the knowledge that if they saw a Block Parent sign in the window that it was a safe place to go if you were lost or followed by bullies or strangers.  She herself grew up in Winnipeg and her parents participated in the program.  When she became a parent and her first-born started school, that’s when Coyle realized Airdrie was lacking.  A

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